Product Description: Unknowingly many animals are hardly fed species-appropriate. Often far too sugary. Bunny Nature Shuttle helps the animals to return to a naturally-healthy and species-appropriate nutrition. Ingredients: Growth of permanent meadows (timothy, meadow fescue, meadow foxtail, German ryegrass, red fescue, blue grass, cocksfoot, velvet grass, annual panicle grass, white ragweed, vernal grass, couch grass, tussock grass, reed canary grass, white clover, red clover, dandelion leaves, yarrow herb, ribwort, caraway, cow parsley, meadow sweet, common hornwort, bedstraw, thyme-leaved speedwell, bush vetch, comfrey, bedstraw-meadow thistle, ground ivy, daisies, germander speedwell, lady’s mantle, greater burnet-saxifrage, narrow-leaved vetch, meadow saxifrage, spring cinquefoil, green field-speedwell, common whitlow-grass, autumn dandelion, red ragweed, cowslip, small clover), barley, wheat bran, oat peel bran, sunflower seed extracted, carrot pomace, linseed extracted, carrots, parsnips, lignocellulose, chicory root, peppermint leaves, currant leaves, marigold blossoms, calcium carbonate, brewer’s grain, carob, brewer’s yeast, chamomile blossoms, inulin
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